LMS Platform - Legal notices

1. Identification

Ahead Technology is the owner of the LMS (Learning Management System) platform.

2. Activity

3. Copyright & Intellectual property

All resources available throughout this portal are protected under the World Intellectual Property organization (WIPO) and therefore cannot be copied or reproduces without the written consent of Ahead Technology.

Data published and brands mentioned on the Ahead Technology website are the exclusive property of their respective owners.

Any total or partial reproduction of these texts, brands and/or logos based on elements featured on the website is thus forbidden without the express permission of their owners, as per article L. 713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Photos present on the website are free of rights and were legally downloaded.

4. Confidentiality

All documents and information shared throughout the online Forum are strictly confidential and may only be used for training purposes.

All registered participant information are strictly confidential and may not be shared by anyone nor used for any purposes.

Access to the online tool and relevant course(s) is only available to registered participants and cannot be shared, transferred or communicated to any other third party.

Important Notice:
Any files contained within this site are confidential and intended solely for the use by the individual or entity it is intended to. If you are not licensed, you should not access any material and exit this site immediately.

5. Accessibility

Access to the online training tool requires high speed internet connection.
It is the participants sole responsibility to ensure they have access to a reliable connection to access the tool and its relevant course(s) as well as ensure firewall and antivirus do not prevent access to the tool.

Once registered, participants will be granted access valid for 12 months. An extension can be obtained, up to 2 years from the initial date of registration by submitting a request to the issuing training organization.

Privacy policy (GDPR): Link